
Sunday, December 19, 2010

Hanging by a Thread!

I featured this gorgeous Robin tree Decoration by London based paper cut & collage illustrater Kate Slater on Lino Forest, but I just had to show you all the others in Kate's etsy shop.
They are handcrafted from prints of Kate's original illustrations, mounted onto thick card and varnished. Kate loves paper and hoards magazines, envelopes and paper scraps. She says "I am usually covered in bits of paper. Sometimes I even rustle."
The original birds were part of this amazing window display at Yorkshire Sculpture Park, in the English summer of 2010.
The designs also come as beautiful brooches!
These are only a tiny part of the beautiful work by Kate. Check out her website and blog for loads more colourful paper cut and collage illustrations , prints and cards.
Kate has also written and illustrated a book called Magpie's TreasureSo totally affordable from The Book Depository I'm thinking I may just be getting a copy for me (if a book features a button factory. I'm sold!)
Kate's 3D artwork is amazing too! Bear and Birds


  1. WOW. Fantastic work. Thanks for sharing!

  2. Dear Betty Jo, merry christmas to you and your loved ones! And thank you for your inspiring work. Best, Antje
